Sharpening and grouping density
Developing a sense of the rotation axis
Balance Exercises
Mastering the basic rotation positions
Mastering the transitions between basic positions
The worldwide spread of using the ONLYWIN vestibular simulator at home and in sports schools has made it possible to accumulate and increase the useful experience. The simulator systematic using effect is impressive. The simulator is widely applicable at all stages of training in figure skating; there are no restrictions to the initial level of training.
The basis of training is formed by exercises for working out typical skater positions, rotations, jumps and their combinations, elements of training on ice and off ice. Many enthusiastic parents of young athletes have mastered the use of ONLYWIN PRVS on their own and were rewarded with a noticeable improvement in the results of their children. Thousands of athletes have the opportunity to unleash their potential and make figure skating more spectacular.
The table contains recommendations for skaters training on the base of using the ONLYWIN PRVS, a description of the basic approach and exercises. A video materials compilation contains athletes training videos having different levels of training (from beginners to competition winners). Master new exercises, send your photos and videos and share your achievements. Strive to unleash your potential and talents in a fair fight in high-performance competitions.
Sharpening and grouping density
Developing a sense of the rotation axis
Balance Exercises
Mastering the basic rotation positions
Mastering the transitions between basic positions
Spins in non-basic positions and difficult variations of basic positions
Mastering of transitions between positions without complexity restrictions
Combined 1st and 2nd level spins
Imitation of jumps in rotation and combined rotations of levels 3 and 4 (rotation on the left and right legs separately).
Practicing jumping elements using a lance or fishing rod
Group classes are recommended for the initial level, especially for younger children. Group activities allow you to introduce competition and game elements to increase motivation. The recommended number is 3-4 pupils per group. In case of increasing of the group the coach’s effectiveness can be reduced.
The first skill of rotation can be formed in a sitting position on a platform with crossed legs, mastering the rotation acceleration by grouping, using swinging movements of the arms, controlling the axis of rotation and posture. When mastering the ‘spinning top’ position, you can lean on the arm with alternating left and right hands (interception) during rotation, in pirouettes you can partially lean on the free leg.
The recommended initial time of rotation is 3-5 minute for each position, with a gradual up of speed as the skill develops. Repeat the exercise for 4-5 times in a loop. If you increase the number of elements in a training session, the element execution time can be reduced to 20-30 seconds.
The compact size of the simulator allows you to take it to an ice training, training camps and competitions. When using the simulator regularly before going out on the ice, you can reduce the warm-up time on the ice. The use of the simulator before running at competitions allows you to make program rehearsal and mobilizes the athlete for a successful performance.
The simulator mastering begins without turning on the electric drive, while the platform rotates freely in both directions. Such exercises imitate movements on ice in safer conditions, forming the basic technique and upgrading the skill of maintaining balance with the correct body position. Mastering typical and difficult positions, with one supporting leg, begin without turning on the simulator. The athlete stands on the platform with his supporting leg, balancing, trying to stand without rotation, maintaining the position as much as possible. Initially, you can partially lean on your free leg. In the next stage, get into position with a simultaneous push to start the rotation. With increasing the skill you can proceed to training with turning on the simulator rotation in different modes.
Practicing simple forward and backward rotations is performed in stages. First, each component of the rotation is worked out, then in the complex: initial rotation; open position, intermediate position, grouping, exit (the athlete jumps off the platform, imitating the completion of the jump). To develop coordination in a grouping, use the alternating methods with a symmetrical arrangement of arms (to the chest, up) with an asymmetric one (the second hand to the shoulder, to the stomach, to the chest, to the neck). Use the same way to practice in rotations with turning on the electric drive of the simulator.
The mastering of individual elements of rotations and approaches for different types of jumps (Axel, Rittberger, Flip, ToeLop) are performed with the creation of rotation using a kick with a foot without turning on the electric drive. The athlete stands on the platform with his supporting leg, and partially performs the element, pushing off the floor with his free leg. This allows you to master the technique of elements gradually.
Additionally, to work out positions and elements without turning on the rotation, it is possible to perform exercises together with your trainer. The athlete on the platform is rotated by the trainer holding his hands. It is used for practicing complex movements of the body and position of the legs: for working out the brace, movements with the body in the opposite direction, imitation of the constriction back with the leg back.
Perform rotational exercises with changing foot position relative to the platform
To perform exercises with switching on the simulator drive, the athlete stands on the surface of the platform, and then the coach turns on the rotation of the platform. The position of the body and some athlete limbs during rotation on the platform can be static or variable. Sequences of movements, combinations of individual elements and exercises are performed during rotation.
By grouping the body relative to an axis of rotation, an athlete can change the inertia of his body and accelerate relative to a given rotation speed. When the body inertia decreases and the athlete creates additional rotating forces, it is possible to overtake the platform rotation speed relative to the set speed of the electric drive. This skill is extremely important for practicing rotations and multi-turn jumps for skaters. The ONLYWIN simulator automatically provides a mode with the effect of overtaking speed in both directions of rotation. In this mode, with sufficient efforts of the athlete, depending on his skill, the duration and magnitude of acceleration increases, providing the athlete's perception of the adequacy and sufficiency of the applied efforts. The faster the speed of the grouping and the higher the density and tension of the grouping, the greater the acceleration of rotation. Similarly, when the athlete is regrouping (ungrouping), the rotation speed is going down. The speed override effect allows you to purposefully develop the speed (sharpness), density and tension of the grouping in rotations. The ability to switch the direction of rotation of the simulator with providing speed override effect a in both directions of rotation allows skaters to work out elements with rotations in their "own" and "reverse" sides.
Increase your intensity for 1-1,5 months before the competition. Simulating the program, raise the loads, enlarging the duration of the elements up yo 2-4 times.
1 per day
3 times a week
2 times a day
4 times a week
3 times a day
3 times a day
in one day
3 times a day
Use additional accessories: weights (for hands, torso, legs), rubber cord-expander for hands, hula Hoop, ball. Use a harness system (spar) or fishing rod as a belay. Use a breathing mask with a valve to hamper breathing and increase heart rate.
For practicing complex elements in various sports, rotation with a belay on a suspension is widely used. A belt (belt-shoulder system or vest) is attached to the athlete's body, which, through an intermediate fastening in the form of a traverse, is attached to a vertical cable (rope), through a block fixed at a certain height, usually to the ceiling supporting structures in the room. The use of the block allows you to change the safety height by choosing the free end of the rope. Optimal use of a polyspast reducing the load when the rope is stretching.
The use of a harness system in conjunction with a simulator significantly expands the list of possible exercises. With the help of a harness system you can lift a skater after preliminary unwinding on the simulator, thereby giving the athlete a sense of his position in the air. At the same time the coach can control the correctness, density, tension of the grouping and the clarity of disclosure on landing, the athlete gets the opportunity to perform almost all jumping elements outside the ice.
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